About Rinske

Rinske Engländer 

The only way out is through

I love watching documentaries, reading novels like Murat Isik or Lucas Rijneveld, for example, and doing intuitive sports. I like to be close to animals and hate being excluded. I a m devoted to personal freedom and like to engage in the existential plane of existence with the people around me. 

During my studies in Psycho Social Work at Inholland University, I first came into contact with elements of Gestalt theory. I remember it well; I was 18, it was new and confronting that the trainers and teachers let me experience for myself what I had to learn. 

However young I was, it made such an impression that, when I wanted to continue studying years later, the way back to Gestalt was quickly made. It was the genuine, authentic and equal nature of this form of therapy that grabbed me and never let go. 

I worked for almost twenty years in youth care, in many different departments. With mainly young people and families from all corners of Amsterdam; Zuidoost, Nieuw-west, Zuid and Noord. 

As much as I learned from books, the stories of the people I met touched me and taught me life lessons that I cherish to this day. The best time in youth care I had working from presence theory. I experienced how powerful it is to be totally present for another person. Goals were achieved, but not by looking for change but by accepting what was already there. 

At the Dutch Gestalt Foundation I then did the four-year training as a Gestalt therapist and (re)discovered my sensitivity for working with people from authenticity. A world opened up for me; as I started the training to deepen my work at the time, it soon became clear that I wanted to go all the way for Gestalt Therapy. I don't have to leave anything of myself out when I work with people, indeed it is necessary! 

Since July 11, 2017, I have set up my own practice, Rinse. The name comes from the call sign of family and friends; Rins! Since gestalt therapy assumes that my presence in the consulting room counts as much as that of the person across from you, it made sense to incorporate this intimate nature into the name. "Rins" personally was not always a pleasant association, but nowadays I wear even the less wonderful experiences in my life as well as the beginning gray hairs with pride. 

In addition to my practice, I work as an educator for future gestalt therapists, a privilege to do. I have the ambition to continue this wonderful humane type of therapy to re-introduce it into modern times with matching themes and challenges to bring about more connection in society. 

Reviews Rinse

Dennis, Gestalt therapy

"When I think about the therapy, it is especially nice to have Rinske as an anchor. She has a good energy which has a positive effect on me.

She is not afraid to raise something or go deeper into something. Even though I sometimes reflect on myself, I sometimes have a blind spot or don't want to see things."

Female, 31, Gestaltcoach trajectory

"Rinske made sure that I started naming things that I didn't dare to name. She also kept me on track and made sure I really looked at the problem. It was really nice to talk with Rinske. She listens to you well and put me at ease. A top coach who has been of great help to me."

Woman, Gestalt Therapy, 20

“I have benefited a lot from the conversations.

When I walked out the door after a conversation I always felt relieved and much better. "

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